/Getting Jazzyk/Subversion

Getting Jazzyk sources from Subversion repository

Additionally to the packages in the File Repository, we provide also a read-only access to the current full source code including the whole version history, building scripts, source code of the installers and the website sourcecode via a Subversion interface.

To access the Jazzyk Subversion repository, you can use any standard Subversion client. The repository URL is http://jazzyk.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jazzyk.

To checkout the repository using the standard command line svn client execute:

$ svn co http://jazzyk.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jazzyk

Note again, the SourceForge Subversion repository is only a read-only mirror of the developer’s repository hosted elsewhere.

Also note, that the repository contains the developer’s bleeding edge version of project sources which are in development, or testing. Therefore the snapshot can happen to be buggy, inconsistent or untested.

Web access

The repository is browsable via a web-interface at http://jazzyk.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/jazzyk/.